International Conference Refugees and Migrants



Rome, April 18, 2018

Coordinated y Giuseppe Motta in the context of the project “L'Europa e i rifugiati. Profili storici e implicazioni internazionali (secoli XX -XXI)” financed by the Department of Document studies, Linguistics, Philology and Geography

Fondazione Sapienza and CEMAS research center of Sapienza University of Rome launch a call for papers for an international multidisciplinary conference to be held in Rome, on April 18, 2018.
In the last years Europe has experienced a notable flow of migrants coming from other continents owing to conflicts or simply escaping from bad economic, political and social conditions. The debates have focused on the distinction between refugees and migrants and on the possible solutions to this contemporary issue: to close borders or to adopt tolerant strategies of integration? To intervene directly in the crisis or to leave others to deal with the problems? To keep national options or to arrange a common European policy?
All these questions and many more are frequent in everyday debates and are constantly connected with the rise of a new nationalist illiberal radicalism that is threatening the idea of European integration and is questioning the role of the European Union. But behind these discussions there is a long history that need to be further studied and analyzed. Europe has always dealt with migrations, wars and exchanges of population and the European states are the result of these historical processes they are still dealing with in the contemporary age.
This conference aims to investigate the different issues concerning refugees, migrants, displaced persons, evacuees, exiled and many more in order to discuss about this question and to compare the different cases of yesterday with the emergency of today. A special attention will be devoted to the different reactions against the arrival of refugees and the revival of nationalist and xenophobic movements that are challenging the European and national institutions. Our aim is to remind of the years when the Europeans were refugees and to debate on the historical, political, social and economic implications of this important issue, which has characterized modern and contemporary ages and still represents one of the most important keystones of the international scenario.
The Scientific Board welcomes a multidisciplinary approach inviting scholars from different disciplines such as political science, history, anthropology, sociology, international studies, security studies, geopolitics, area studies, economics, geography, sociolinguistics, literature, psychology, and related fields. The Scientific Board encourages the submission of single papers, addressing the above mentioned issues based on a chronological framework, but also innovative and original analyses that could enrich our common knowledge and help the scientific study of such phenomena.
The international conference aims to attract scholars from European and non- European universities, research institutes, independent networks, with a special focus
on young researchers (25-40 years old). Junior researchers, teaching assistants, PhD students are thus warmly invited to submit their paper proposals.
The Scientific Board invites proposals for individual papers to be presented in panels
organized by the Board but accepts also entire panels that are to be assembled directly by the proponents. A panel includes a chair and at least three presentations based on written papers. In case of panel proposals, the chair could also be indicated
by the conference organizers.
A formal application email should be sent to and
must include in a single document:
1) contact info
2) up to 300 word abstract
4) a short biographical statement.
Language of the conference: English
The deadline for the submission of paper proposals is March 1, 2018. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Applications for papers and for panels should be submitted in a single message. Applicants will be notified about the acceptance of their papers by March 10, 2018, and the conference program will be released in May.
Participants should pay the registration fee by March 20, 2018.
Special rate (reserved for participants under 40 years of age): 50 €
Normal rate: 80 €
Please note that the registration fee does not include accommodation or travel expenses. Participants are expected to organise and cover the cost for their travel. The conference material, dinner and special gadgets will be provided by the conference organizers.
We look forward to welcoming you at the conference in Rome.


Scientific Board
Antonello Folco Biagini, Fondazione Sapienza
Stefano Bianchini, University of Bologna
Andrea Carteny, CEMAS, Sapienza University of Rome
Mariam Chkhartishvili, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Roberto Pasca di Magliano, Sapienza University of Rome
Pasquale Fornaro, University of Messina
Ljubomir Frčkoski, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje
Robert Hassan, Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy
Gün Kut, Bogazici University
Cesare La Mantia, University of Trieste
Andre Liebich, Graduate Institute Geneva
Luis Moita, Autonomous University of Lisbon
Mario Morcellini, Sapienza University of Rome
Giovanna Motta, Sapienza University of Rome
Giuseppe Motta, Sapienza Universty of Rome
Nadan Petrovic, Sapienza University of Rome
Alessandro Pistecchia, Unar – Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni razziali
Matteo Pizzigallo, University of Naples Federico II
Ioan Aurel Pop, Babeș-Bolyai University
Drago Roksandić, University of Zagreb
Srđan Rudić, Historical Institute in Belgrade
Julius H. Schoeps, Moses Mendelssohn Centre, Potsdam
Charles Asher Small, Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy
Luis Tomé, Autonomous University of Lisbon



